"Offer a project management hub like the team at AirSaas"


integrations on project managent, communications, time tracking.

"It is essential for our SaaS to offer user facing integrations. Streamlining data scattered in different applications to speed up digital transformation is the core of Airsaas' mission. Without Munity we would only be able to manage 2 or 3 native integrations in-house - and it would still take months to build and maintain them. With Munity, our product roadmap knows no limits and we plan on shipping dozens of them".

Bertran Ruiz

CEO AirSaas

AirSaas vous aide à gérer plus efficacement la gouvernance de vos programmes de transformation et vos projets transverses. Visualisez en un clin d'œil toutes les informations-clés dans votre seule plateforme collaborative, facilitez la prise de décision, et gagnez du temps sur vos reportings.